The 7 Best Podcasts for Young Entrepreneurs

Are there enough podcasts in the world? Maybe. Can some of them help young entrepreneurs like you? Definitely! Podcasts are a fantastic way to learn a lot of information quickly and in an entertaining way.
The Kantner Foundation knows you don’t have tons of free time. We’ve sifted through the hundreds (thousands?) of podcasts out there and narrowed down the 7 we think are best for young entrepreneurs. The podcasts listed below were chosen for their focus on startup businesses, inspiring stories, and insider info from those in the trenches.
If this Kantner Foundation blog were a podcast, it might be something like Young Trep. Fourteen-year-old host Benjamin Wong features stories of real-life kidpreneurs like you. Episodes air once a week and are 20-40 minutes long – just enough time to teach and inspire without taking up too much of your day. The podcast’s philosophy is to “empower and inspire today’s young generation to be equipped for the world of tomorrow.” A podcast by and for young entrepreneurs? Now that’s something we can definitely get behind!
Listen to this podcast if: you want to hear from your peers in the world of successful entrepreneurship.
It’s been a while since Startup featured a new episode, but that doesn’t mean the old episodes aren’t worth a listen. Imagine if you had a really cool entrepreneurial uncle who shared his startup journey with you step by step. He’d offer advice, admit both the triumphs and failures and share with you the insider secrets he discovered. That cool uncle is Alex Blumberg, and Startup is his documentary podcast that holds nothing back.
Listen to this podcast if: you want a mentor-style podcast by someone who’s been there and knows what he’s talking about.
Want to know what it feels like to hang out “backstage” with successful entrepreneurs? Then This Week in Startups is for you! Despite the title, TWiS often airs more than one episode per week, keeping you super connected to the world of startup businesses. Entrepreneur, angel investor, and host Jason Calacanis provides what is essentially a one-stop-shop for entrepreneurs and startup CEOs of all ages, skills, fields, and interests. Scroll to the bottom of the podcast website to find playlists based on your specific interests.
Listen to this podcast if: you want to pick the brains of the smartest and most successful entrepreneurs in business.
Here at the Kantner Foundation, we believe that anyone can become a young entrepreneur. Even kids! Maybe you became a kid CEO at age 8, or perhaps you volunteer with young ones who want to become entrepreneurs like you. Whatever the case may be, All of Your Beeswax is an excellent podcast for young entrepreneurs AND their parents. Hosted by father Pat and son Keoni, AoYB takes a look inside the process of small business startups, from idea to pitch. For those of you working with your parents for help, this podcast is a must-listen for you both.
Listen to this podcast if: you’re not sure yet whether entrepreneurship is for you, and you want to know what it’s like from the POV of a kid.
Being a young entrepreneur can be a stressful job, even if you love what you do. When you need to relight that fire inside yourself, give the Fire Nation podcast a listen. Hosted by John Lee Dumas (aka JLD), this podcast is meant to inspire, motivate, and fire you up! On this podcast, JLD doesn’t just talk to top entrepreneurs (*coughBarbaraCorcoranandTonyRobbinscough*), he asks them about what they consider their biggest failures. This podcast is perfect for those of you who need a little boost, a little self-confidence, a little reminder of why entrepreneurship is great and you should stick with it.
Listen to this podcast if: you need a reminder that everyone has failed at some point or other, but that doesn’t mean you should quit.
Imagine a master class in young entrepreneurship, hosted by a young entrepreneur and featuring some of the smartest and most successful young entrepreneurs in the game. That master class would be the Student-Built Startups podcast. Host Kameron Stone speaks with your peers about things like marketing, education, challenges, and all of the hottest trends in business today. For teen entrepreneurs like you, this is a must-listen podcast that will connect you to the best of the best in your world.
Listen to this podcast if: you want to virtually hob-nob with fellow student entrepreneurs and hear about what matters most.
A relative newcomer to the world of podcasts, Coffee Grinds is another student entrepreneur podcast made by and for young entrepreneurs like you. Each episode features a different student entrepreneur from the college world interviewed by “baristas” Kaitlyn Claeys and Justin Krug. (They also promise plenty of coffee puns.) As you think about and prepare for college, this podcast will give you a peek into what the next chapter of your life might look like. Some of their guests became young entrepreneurs back in high school. Does that sound like something you can relate to?
Listen to this podcast if: you wish you had an older sibling who became a successful young entrepreneur.
Those of you with a knack for tech and an interest in tech startups will love this podcast from UC Berkeley’s Engineering’s Sutardja Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology (SCET).
Whether you try one or all of these podcasts, we hope you find something to inspire and educate you. Remember, when it comes to entrepreneurship you are not alone. Whatever stage of your startup enterprise you are in, someone else has been there and has the exact right advice you need! If you are a high school student in Florida with a passion for entrepreneurship, click here to find out more about the Kantner Foundation’s college scholarship program.