How to Write a Winning Scholarship Application

You’ve got a college scholarship application to fill out, and only about 1 in 8 students actually win them—so how do you stand out? The answer lies in your story; it’s one of a kind, and you deserve to share it in a way that shines. In this guide, we’ll walk you through each step of crafting a winning application, with clear examples to show you how to make your story unforgettable.
Step 1: Understand the Scholarship Criteria
Once you’ve picked the scholarship you want to apply for, double-check your eligibility. Is it open to high school students or specific grades? Does it apply to certain college programs, or any major? Look for keywords in the description. For example, a business scholarship might focus on innovation, leadership, and community impact.
Next, review the requirements. Do they want a 500-word essay about your entrepreneurial journey? Maybe a letter of recommendation from a teacher or mentor? Go through the criteria carefully—read it a few times—and consider asking a teacher or counselor for help.
Step 2: Tell a Compelling Personal Story
We all have a story to tell, and the key is making yours stand out. For example, maybe you created a tutoring app for students struggling with math. A great way to share that story is by using the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result). Here’s how it could look:
- Situation: You noticed a lot of students were struggling with math and didn’t have access to affordable tutoring.
- Task: You decided to come up with a solution to make math help more accessible, especially for low-income families.
- Action: With some guidance from a mentor, you built a mobile app that connects students with local peer tutors and spread the word on social media.
- Result: The app helped over 200 students improve their grades, and parents shared amazing testimonials about its impact.
Using STAR helps you organize your thoughts so you can tell your story in a way that flows naturally in your essay.
Step 3: Highlight Your Achievements
Start by jotting down your achievements—even if they seem small. For example, maybe 50 people downloaded your app in the first two weeks. Talk about the numbers, but don’t forget the impact. Did students thank you for creating something that made their lives easier?
Or maybe you spent three months teaching yourself how to build a feature from scratch. That shows serious dedication. Adding these little details into your essay helps show who you really are: someone who’s motivated, creative, and knows how to solve problems.
Step 4: Write a Strong Personal Statement
If you want your personal statement to stand out, focus on being real and connecting your story to what the program values. Take some time to research what they’re looking for, and then show how you’re a great match.
Start with a strong opening, like, “At age 12, I learned how to stretch a small budget to organize school events, and that skill has shaped every project I’ve taken on,” or, “As a small business owner, I know what it takes to tackle challenges, and building a successful app is just one example.” Be honest and true to yourself—your unique story and accomplishments are what matter.
Step 5: Get Great Recommendations
A big part of your scholarship application is getting someone who knows you well to write a recommendation that really shows off your strengths. Here’s how to make it easier for them (and for you):
- Pick the right person: Choose someone who knows your work, like a teacher, mentor, or coach—not just someone with a fancy title.
- Share the details: Give them your personal statement, resume, and info about the scholarship so they know what to focus on.
- Ask early: Don’t wait until the last minute—give them time to write something thoughtful.
- Help them out: Suggest a few things they could highlight, like your leadership on a project. It’s not writing it for them; it’s giving them a nudge in the right direction.
Step 6: Perfect Your Application
First, read your application aloud to catch any errors or odd phrasing. Next, run it through a free online grammar checker to spot mistakes. Then, ask someone you trust to read it and point out anything unclear or in need of rephrasing. Submitting a polished application shows reviewers that you’re a diligent and thoughtful candidate.
The Final Touches
Never doubt your story or whether your accomplishments are good enough—they are! Start early, write down everything you’ve achieved, and focus on meeting all the scholarship requirements. With a little preparation, your application will show just how incredible you are.
Calling all young entrepreneurs in Florida: The Kantner Foundation college scholarship could be yours! Click here to apply.